
Prayer for Our Confederacy by Eve Davenport Holder

Prayer for Our Confederacy
(From The Soldier’s Prayer Book by Thomas Smyth published in Charleston: The South Carolina Tract Society, 1863)
O GOD, Thou hast so ordained human government as to make it necessary and wise that there shall be rulers and subjects…
Establish us, therefore, O God, as a Confederacy of states, and build us up on that rock of eternal truth against which the gates of hell shall not prevail. Unite us a people in the indissoluble bonds of liberty, equality, and fraternity. Harmonize the sovereignty of our states with confederated constitutional authority. May the spirit of Washington animate them all, and lead them ever to seek not merely their own interests, but also the common good of all, and to beware of sectional jealousies and party dissensions.
May the issue of this war signally prove that this battle is the Lord’s, and that Thou hast made Thy Word victorious. May atheistic blasphemy and blind fanaticism be openly rebuked, and the truth, purity, and power of Thy Word, and the wisdom, equity, and mercy of Thy providential dealings toward this people be gloriously established in the sight of our enemies, and before all nations throughout all generations, and may glory rest on our land until it shall be made a praise in the whole earth. Hear, O Lord, in heaven, they dwelling place, these our humble petitions, with which we would plead and wrestle with Thee. Answer them in mercy, for Christ’s sake, and abundantly bless us. Grant us the desires of our hearts in accordance with Thy Word; and then we will ever bless and magnify Thy great and glorious name, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen and Amen.

By: Eve Davenport Holder

Call to Flagging

On March 23rd we'll have another Flagging at Green Hill Cemetery, from 12pm - 4pm. Parking will be behind the Krystal Burger as before. Bro. Bill Hicks will be in charge. Come on folks and let's see how many people we can get out there with their flags flying & handing out material.

I believe each time we're out there we are reaching & teaching people. We all see what’s happening to our Southron Heritage everywhere & we need to take a stand united in the cause. We also need to let Watauga Historical Assn. We are not going away & we are not forgetting our ancestors that are buried there and being neglected by them. It's a disgrace that Pvt. Leseur is buried outside the perimeter of their fencing. Let’s show everyone that we are a proud people with love for God, Family & Heritage.

Tennessee Flagging Coordinator
Colonel Mike Shaffer (Doc)
Bristol, Tenn.


Flagger Tip of the Day by Susan Friese Hathaway

Flagger tip of the day...
What we call ourselves and our flags is important! Our Confederate Veterans were American Veterans and their flags are American Flags. Make it habit to refer to the Stars and Stripes as the "U.S. Flag", not the "American Flag", and gently instruct new Flaggers to do the same. In all of our talking points and literature, we should use "American" to describe our ancestors, and make sure we emphasize that when Confederate flags are removed, monuments defaced or removed, or grave markers desecrated, it is AMERICAN veterans that are being dishonored!


I AM A FLAGGER by Billy Bearden


"I speak for that which has no voice. I relay the message of Honor, Dignity, Respect, and Heritage to those who never knew, to those who have forgotten, and to attempt to reach those who refuse to hear.

I travel many miles at my own expense, for which there is no reimbursement. My weapons are the 1956 Georgia Flag, Battle Flag of the Confederacy, and Truth. My enemies are liberals..., politicians, NAACP, SCLC, GABEO, SPLC, Black Caucus, media, scalawags, and those who worship ignorance, historical revisionism and Political Correctness.

The former Governor has called me an Extremist. The former Speaker of the House has called me a Jackass. The learned scribes in the papers have called me a Neo-Confederate Peckerwood. By a popular radio talking head I have been called a Flaggot. I have read in the media that I do not exist, and that I am a racist bigot. I wear those names as badges of honor. I have been hit with a rock. I have had to dodge a bottle thrown at me. I have been flipped off. I have been cursed. I have been called KKK and racist. I have been confronted. I have been threatened with arrest numerous times. I have been investigated by the GBI and I have had my civil rights trampled on almost every event I attend. But for all that, I get thousands of smiles, waves, and thumbs-up. Jews have persecuted me. Christians have barred me from attending their 10 Commandments rally. Members of my own SCV camp have harassed and ignored my efforts. I have been called a Klansman at two jobs - and have been released from 2 other jobs for my beliefs and activities.

I do what I do not for fame or glory (although I have appeared on radio, TV, and in print) but for the silent majority. I speak for the mute to the timid majority against the loud heritage-hating minority. My aim is to supply an unexpected education, while following the teachings of my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ and leadership of my Confederate Forebears.

I was born and raised in Virginia. I claim that state as my home, and as a son of Virginia, would come to her aid if ever there was a need, but I reside in Georgia, in the county where my father was born - the same county where 3 of my Confederate ancestors are from as well. Ironically, one of my ancestors fought in Virginia near my place of birth, during the Peninsula Campaign.

At times I feel I am pulling double duty, representing Georgia and Virginia. I do it to represent the soldiers from 150 years ago, to represent Southerners today, and to protect my children for tomorrow. I have even traveled the 650 miles each way to Flag a hotel in Williamsburg who covered some Confederate artwork to appease some DC black judges. When I think that my ancestors marched hundreds of miles barefoot, without proper food or adequate supplies, only to then form lines and march into cannon and musket fire by overwhelming odds and against superior numbers and better equipment , I only pray that my small effort is enough "Thanks" for what they sacrificed for me. The things I have mentioned are factual, and at times have been tough. I willingly accept the challenges and risks. I take pride in taking a stand for the Cause. And for this Cause, I call others to flock to the banner of our ancestors, but most will not. Most find it more comforting to let others go into battle in their stead rather than miss a Football game or a dog washing. Some are 'Keyboard Commandos' and write a mean letter, but have no guts to stand with a Flag against tyranny. Some are not even registered to vote. I call to them, but I shall never see them, for they lack their ancestors' convictions, and refuse to stand up for Honor.

- Billy Bearden, 2004


Remember to honor our Confederate Soldiers

Good Morning

Today as we begin our day, we should all remember to honor our Confederate Soldiers for their record of virtue, valor, and sacrifice. Our ancestors have left us a strong and great inheritance. They were rich in what really counts in life; things such as character, integrity, honesty, honor, courage, and a great love for God, family, and country. Their memory is cherished and a blessing to each of us and we thank them for the history and heritage they left behind. We all must teach our children and those who follow, to draw inspiration from their lives, and keep the sacred memory of our Southern ancestors who faithfully fought for a just cause. As we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors who have gone before us, we must catch the torch that they have passed on to us. The adversities they faced were far more daunting than any we face today. They persevered in the face of all those adversities, so we must maintain their resolve in our cause to protect and honor our Monuments, our Statues, our Flags, and our Markers. Their blood is our blood. Let each of us proclaim that we are proud to honor their accomplishments and to claim them as the noblest heritage. ~ Eileen Parker Zoellner

Deo Vindice!


Tripp Lewis Legal Defense Fund--It's About FREEDOM

On January 12th, 1908, Confederate Veteran Richard Elam was admitted as a resident to the Old Soldiers Home on the Boulevard in Richmond, Virginia, homeless and with no means of support. Private Elam had served with the 6th Va Infantry, Co. K in the War Between the States and was taken prisoner by the enemy at Petersburg.
He was but 12 years old when he entered the Confederate Army and fought to defend Virginia.
105 years later, January 12th, 2013, his cousin, Mr Tripp Lewis decided to take the opportunity to honor the anniversary of his arrival on those same grounds, now designated perpetually as "Confederate Memorial Park". Tripp is a Virginia Flagger and an active member of the SCV.


(Tripp's son, Jack, also a Va Flagger and SCV Member)
Immediately upon stepping onto the grounds, Mr. Lewis was approached by a Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (V.M.F.A.) Security Guard, who told him to leave the property. Mr. Lewis explained that he was there as a Virginia citizen to honor his ancestor who had lived and died on the property. After some discussion, and when he attempted to leave the property and return to the public sidewalk, Mr. Lewis was arrested by museum security guards. He was charged with misdemeanor trespassing and released immediately on his own recognizance.


While the Virginia Flaggers have always engaged in peaceful protests, and followed all legal directives by authorities, we will not stand idly by while others are bullied or illegally harassed. Although Mr. Lewis was acting as a private citizen in this instance, we offer him our full support and will stand by him in his defense of these unfair and unreasonable charges.

We know that there were only the most honorable intentions of one man and his children... to honor their ancestor on the hallowed grounds of the park, and it is apparent that museum officials were determined to make an example of him, in the presence of his children.

Nevertheless, the forthcoming legal proceedings will offer us the chance to challenge the arbitrary and ever-changing restrictions placed on the Flaggers by the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, and allow a court of law to decide the constitutionality of restricting the display of a Confederate Flag on Virginia State Property, specifically designated as "Confederate Memorial Park".

It will also allow us the opportunity to further expose the discriminatory and illegal act of the forced removal of Confederate flags from the portico of the Confederate Memorial Chapel and give us grounds to introduce this evidence into the public record via court proceedings and legal filings.

Now is the time for VMFA officials to recognize that there would be no Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, but for the generosity of the men of the Robert E. Lee Camp #1, United Confederate Veterans, who put their faith and trust in the Commonwealth that sent them to war....the same Commonwealth who now desecrates the Confederate Memorial Chapel, and threatens, intimidates, and arrests descendants of Confederate veterans who wish to honor their ancestors by carrying a Confederate flag on the very same grounds built by Confederate Veterans.

Mr. Lewis has a court appearance on March 21st, at which time he will advise the court of his attorney of record. The judge gave the V.M.F.A. a smack down when they tried to have Tripp banned from the property, and the request was denied.

Tripp has secured a lawyer to handle his defense and he needs funds as soon as possible in order to retain his services. The fees will be $3,000 and he needs to secure the funds immediately so that his case can be properly prepared.

An account has been set up to receive donations. Please make checks payable to:
Tripp Lewis Legal Defense Fund

and mail to:
Tripp Lewis Legal Defense Fund
P.O. Box 7938
Richmond, VA 23223

There is also the option to contribute by PayPal using this link...


Donors do not need a PayPal account. All major credit cards are accepted.

Tripp is a dedicated warrior in the battle to preserve our Heritage and he deserves our support! He answers every call to action, including this one, when the RE Lee Statue in Richmond was vandalized in November, 2012...


His unwavering determination to honor our ancestors is the reason a Confederate Flag now flies over the 17,000 + Confederate dead at Oakwood Cemetery...


These are just a FEW examples of the many, many hours Tripp and his family have dedicated to defending our Heritage.

He deserves our respect and our support.

Thank you in advance,

Grayson Jennings
Va Flaggers



H.K. Edgerton's Statement to Committee Meeting - Memphis, TN

Mr. Chairman, Honored members of this Committee, and those present. I have placed before you to peruse; a copy of the Historic March Across Dixie Pictorial Journal. It is a very important vehicle that is at the forefront of breaking down the Wall of persona nongrata ( being personally unacceptable or unwelcome ) of the Confederate Battle Flag. And that of the Honorable Beings who stitched it together, carried it into battle, shrouded the bodies of their loved, and who placed it atop the buildings that governed those who deeply believed in giving love to their fellow man, as was proven when one of the Almighty Gods' ultimate test was thrust upon them; " The Economic Institution of Southern Slavery".
General Nathan Bedford Forrest was one of those Honorable Beings, and unquestionably by his actions; a friend to the African of his time, be they freed or indentured. There are many Black folks here in Memphis who owe their very existence to the kind General who answered a knock at his door from a plea of African whose wife had just been sold to cover his masters debts, and the General found himself in the saddle, buying back a slave that he would never use, just to bring peace to a kindly soul.
A man that had his horse shot from under him many times in battle, with never a fret because he knew that one of those forty plus Black men who went off to war with him; had his back when he hit the ground. And as the shirt before you reads in his own words : : These boys stayed with me... and better Confederates did not live."
There are those like Commercial Appeal Reporter Wendi C. Thomas who write calumny( false and malicious accusation ) about the General , with the intent of exciting from the public a level of hate that is a danger to public safety. The United States Congress exonerated General Nathan Bedford Forrest at their Klan Tribunal, of any crimes associated with the Klan or Fort Pillow. And I never heard her mention one time the terror heaped upon the citizens of Tennessee and the South by the Union League, be they Red, Yellow, Brown, Black or White. Or that it was the Klan during the time of Forrest that broke the back of reconstruction in the South; 12 years of terror for all Southerners, with the exception of the scalawags who climbed into bed with the Carpetbaggers, and Northern appointed military Governors and their tribunals that stole and raped and murdered all the way to the bank.
And never to forget in closing the North plan to divide Southern Whites and Southern Blacks from each other, starting first with the teaching of the Almighty God by Southern Ministers like the Honorable R.L.Dabney of Prince Edward County Virginia who spelled out in his famous letter to the head of the so called Freedman Bureau in September of 1865, all the things that the South had done to try and do right by the African people held in bondage, and all the things that the Yankees should do, and stop doing to a hapless people( vagrancy laws and entrapment of the company store to name a few) now that they had all the money and national resources fully in their command.
Even Dr. Martin Luther King could not be persuaded to attack the Southern Cross or those who fought and served under it;" sons of former slaves, sons of former slave owners, and far too many that were neither". I am the immediate Past President of the Asheville Branch of the NAACP, and at no time do I recall that David Duke or any leader of the KU Klux Klan, invited by that organization, or for that matter the Commander In Chief of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, or the President of the United Daughters of the Confederacy invited to give the Keynote Speech at their National Convention. However, here was the Pole Bearers of Memphis, Tennessee, a forefront of organizations like the NAACP, inviting the General to do just that. The first and only White man to be given that high Honor. If it makes any difference to a woman that hates as Ms.White does, have her read that accounting that sums up who General Forrest truly was.
A monument is defined as a lasting reminder in remembrance of a person or event, and it is the duty of those who follow to see that this mandate is protected. Political correctness and the lies and distortions of those who hate it are no excuse to do other wise. As much as I deplore the likes of Lincoln and his son having a monument of their likeness at the Tredegar Iron Works in Virginia, or on the Capitol Mall in Washington, I cannot dig the war criminal up, or that of President Grant who owned slaves as he entered the White House as the lies ran forward to the world that his Commander In Chief Lincoln had him fight a war to end the economic institution of slavery. Good help was hard to find was his excuse.
We here in the South need to embrace our history and heroes of the past while searching out truths not told by those who took a criminal road of Total Warfare upon defenseless men, women, and children . Thank you for having me, and I hope that you will take a path that can lead to a better community and will earn the respect of many across this land who call themselves Southern, and the many of the North who believe in a sense of fair play.
Statement to Committee Meeting - Memphis, TN

by HK Edgerton / President Southern Heritage 411





Flagging in Elmira, NY by Scott J. Payne

Here I am "Flagging" the Chemeung Canal Bank in Elmira, New York. This location ...has historical interest as it was at this location on April 14th, 1865, where one John Harrison Surratt was staying. At that time this was the location of the Brainard House Hotel. It was on this night that US president Abe Lincoln was shot at Ford's Theatre in Washington DC. Surratt's mother, Mary, was tried and hung in July of that year as a member of a conspiracy to assassinate Lincoln. John Surratt fled to Canada and eventually Europe where he became a member of the Papal Guard, before being brought back to the States where he was tried and found innocent of being part of this conspiracy.
As I was standing on the corner with my Confederate Battle Flag and my camera mounted on it's trusty tripod, a car went around the corner and beeped and a young woman in the passenger had her window down and with her thumb in the air said, "that's a good flag". Only in Elmira, New York.
Deo Vindice.

Confederate Virtue, Valor & Sacrifice by Eileen Parker Zoellner

Good Morning!

Today as we begin our day, we should all remember to honor our Confederate Soldiers for their record of virtue, valor, and sacrifice. Our ancestors have left us a strong and great inheritance. They were rich in what really counts in life; things such as character, integrity, honesty, honor, courage, and a great love for God, family, and country. Their memory is cherished and a blessing to each of us and we thank them for the history and heritage they left behind. We all must teach our children and those who follow, to draw inspiration from their lives, and keep the sacred memory of our Southern ancestors who faithfully fought for a just cause. As we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors who have gone before us, we must catch the torch that they have passed on to us. The adversities they faced were far more daunting than any we face today. They persevered in the face of all those adversities, so we must maintain their resolve in our cause to protect and honor our Monuments, our Statues, our Flags, and our Markers. Their blood is our blood. Let each of us proclaim that we are proud to honor their accomplishments and to claim them as the noblest heritage.

Deo Vindice!
Good Morning!
Today as we begin our day, we should all remember to honor our Confederate Soldiers for their record of virtue, valor, and sacrifice. Our ancestors have left us a strong and great inheritance. They were rich in what really counts in life; things such as character, integrity, honesty, honor, courage, and a great love for God, family, and country. Their memory is cherished and a blessing to each of us and we thank them for the history and heritage they left behind. We all must teach our children and those who follow, to draw inspiration from their lives, and keep the sacred memory of our Southern ancestors who faithfully fought for a just cause. As we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors who have gone before us, we must catch the torch that they have passed on to us. The adversities they faced were far more daunting than any we face today. They persevered in the face of all those adversities, so we must maintain their resolve in our cause to protect and honor our Monuments, our Statues, our Flags, and our Markers. Their blood is our blood. Let each of us proclaim that we are proud to honor their accomplishments and to claim them as the noblest heritage.
Deo Vindice!

Tennessee Confederate Flaggers--AAR--2/10/2013




Monuments, Statues & Flags by Eileen Parker Zoellner

Our Monuments, our Statues, our Flags, and our Markers are simply to tell the world of the valor and fortitude of the Confederate soldier. They each proclaim that we are proud to honor their accomplishments and to claim them as the noblest heritage for us and all our future generations. It is with great pride, that we honor these memorials of great deeds and glorious adversities, whether they be of triumphs nobly won or of the disasters proudly and heroically endured.
I love the south not only for all their brave acts, but also for all trials and tribulations that they were forced to withstand, for they sleep within the grounds we walk on. A land without ruins is a land without memories, and a land without memories is a land without liberties. The South is filled with graves, but also with memories.
Father Ryan wrote:
"O give me the land where the ruins are spread,
And the living tread light on the hearts of the dead.
O give me the land that is blessed by the dust,
And bright with the deeds of the war-slaughtered just.
Give me the land where the battle's red blast
Has flashed to the future the fame of the past.
Give me the land that hath story and song
To tell of the strife of the right with the wrong.
Give me the land with a grave in each spot,
And names in the grave that shall not be forgot.
Give me the land of the wreck and the tomb:
There is grandeur in graves, there is glory in gloom,
For out of the gloom future brightness is born
As after the night comes the sunrise of morn ;
And the graves of the dead with the grass overgrown
Shall yet be the footstool of liberty's throne ;
And each single wreck in the warpath of night
Shall yet be a rock in the temple of right."
When we honor our Confederate soldiers we let others know of our enduring allegiance to their memory, we commemorate their valor and devotion as shown on many a bloody field. In doing so, be it known that we come in no spirit of regret for the past, no confession of wrong, no forgiveness of failures, no higher honor and no prouder fate than that by their deeds we may be judged, and our most ardent prayer is that the descendants of these heroes may be worthy of their ancestors. The blood that saturated the battlefields of the Confederacy is now thriving in us. Let each of us proclaim that we are proud to honor their accomplishments and to claim them as the noblest heritage.
Our Monuments, our Statues, our Flags, and our Markers are simply to tell the world of the valor and fortitude of the Confederate soldier.  They each proclaim that we are proud to honor their accomplishments and to claim them as the noblest heritage for us and all our future generations.  It is with great pride, that we honor these memorials of great deeds and glorious adversities, whether they be of triumphs nobly won or of the disasters proudly and heroically endured.
I love the south not only for all their brave acts, but also for all trials and tribulations that they were forced to withstand, for they sleep within the grounds we walk on.   A land without ruins is a land without memories, and a land without memories is a land without liberties.  The South is filled with graves, but also with memories.
Father Ryan wrote:
"O give me the land where the ruins are spread,
And the living tread light on the hearts of the dead.
O give me the land that is blessed by the dust,
And bright with the deeds of the war-slaughtered just.
Give me the land where the battle's red blast
Has flashed to the future the fame of the past.
Give me the land that hath story and song
To tell of the strife of the right with the wrong.
Give me the land with a grave in each spot,
And names in the grave that shall not be forgot.
Give me the land of the wreck and the tomb:
There is grandeur in graves, there is glory in gloom,
For out of the gloom future brightness is born
As after the night comes the sunrise of morn ;
And the graves of the dead with the grass overgrown
Shall yet be the footstool of liberty's throne ;
And each single wreck in the warpath of night
Shall yet be a rock in the temple of right."
When we honor our Confederate soldiers we let others know of our enduring allegiance to their memory, we commemorate their valor and devotion as shown on many a bloody field. In doing so, be it known that we come in no spirit of regret for the past, no confession of wrong, no forgiveness of failures, no higher honor and no prouder fate than that by their deeds we may be judged, and our most ardent prayer is that the descendants of these heroes may be worthy of their ancestors.  The blood that saturated the battlefields of the Confederacy is now thriving in us. Let each of us proclaim that we are proud to honor their accomplishments and to claim them as the noblest heritage.



1. The State of New York with 448,850 and Pennsylvania with 337,936 Union soldiers aggregated 768,635 soldiers and outnumbered the entire Confederate army.
2. Illinois with 259,092, Ohio with 313,180 and Indiana with 196,363 soldiers aggregated 768,635 soldiers and outnumbered the Confederate army.
3. New England with 363,162 and the 316,424 Union soldiers of the slave States aggregated 679,586 soldiers and outnumbered the Confederate army.
4. The States west of the Mississippi River, exclusive of Missouri and the other Southern States, enlisted 319,563, Delaware, NewJersey, and the District of Columbia 105,632, and the negro troops enlisted in the Southern States and not before counted were 99,337 an aggregate of 514,532 soldiers.
These facts, taken from the war records, show that there were four Union armies in the field, each of which was as large as the Confederate army.
From the book: History of the Fourth Tennessee Cavalry by Adjutant George B. Guild.


Soon after starting from Atlanta on General Wheeler's second raid into MiddleTennessee, in1864,I resolved to go into Gallatin, my home and native place, and see my family, from whom I had been absent for more than two years. I knew that Gallatin had been occupied by the Federal forces a long time, and that the commandants of the place ,Payne and then Scarret, had been placed there for their well-known disposition to lord it over a helpless and non combatant population. Many outrageous crimes had been committed by them, and scores of
Confederate soldiers had been brutally murdered for no other reason than that they sought to see their dear ones again. The darkest chapter in our War between the States could be written under this head. I was fully posted then of the hazard of such anundertaking; but I wanted to see my wife and little boy (who was but a few weeks old when I left there),and I fully determined in my own mind to risk it, as I felt convinced that this would be the last opportunity.

From The History of the Fourth  Tennessee Cavalry  by Major George B. Guild.

Thanks to:
Bill Hicks,

Tennessee Confederate Flagger
Lt. Robert J. Tipton #2083


Va Flaggers Update: JEB Stuart Memorial Service 2-10-2013

Va Flaggers Update: JEB Stuart Memorial Service 2-10-2013

Annual Major General J. E. B. Stuart Memorial Service

3:00pm, Sunday the 10th of February. Co-sponsored by Knibb’s Battery, the J. E. B. Stuart Camp #1343 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the J. E. B. Stuart Memorial Foundation. Includes bagpipe music by Pipe Major Lord David Hinton, appearance by J. E. B. Stuart, IV and address by Jim Cochrane, followed by an artillery salute.

Venue is Hollywood Cemetery, 412 South Cherry Street, Richmond. Free. 804-356-8868.


Sunday, February 10th: Annual Major General J. E. B. Stuart Memorial Service starts at 3:00pm co-sponsored by Knibb’s Battery, the J. E. B. Stuart Camp #1343 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the J. E. B. Stuart Memorial Foundation. Includes bagpipe music by Pipe Major Lord David Hinton, appearance by J. E. B. Stuart, IV and address by Jim Cochrane, followed by an artillery salute. Venue is Hollywood Cemetery, 412 South Cherry Street, Richmond. Free. 804-356-8868.

Saturday, March 16th: Sons of Confederate Veterans Confederate Heritage Rally 2013, Biloxi, MS, Beauvoir. We will travel together and take part in the parade and events there! Make plans to join us!

Monday, March 25th: Susan will be traveling to Alabama to speak to the March meeting of the Tallassee Armory Guards, Camp #1921, Sons of Confederate Veterans.

Saturday, April 27th: Susan will be traveling to Tampa, FL to represent the Va Flaggers at the ceremony to raise the "World's Largest 3rd National Flag" by Gen. Jubal A. Early, Camp #556, SCV. http://www.tampascv.org/3rd%20national.htm
RETURN the flags!
RESTORE the honor!

Susan Hathaway
Va Flaggers
It is easier to find a score of men wise enough to discover the truth than to find one intrepid enough, in the face of opposition, to stand up for it.” - A.A. Hodge
“Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth” (Eph. 6:14).