Mr. Chairman, Honored members of this Committee, and those present. I have
placed before you to peruse; a copy of the Historic March Across Dixie Pictorial
Journal. It is a very important vehicle that is at the forefront of breaking
down the Wall of persona nongrata ( being personally unacceptable or unwelcome )
of the Confederate Battle Flag. And that of the Honorable Beings who stitched it
together, carried it into battle, shrouded the bodies of their loved, and who
placed it atop the buildings that governed those who deeply believed in giving
love to their fellow man, as was proven when one of the Almighty Gods' ultimate
test was thrust upon them; " The Economic Institution of Southern
General Nathan Bedford Forrest was one of those Honorable Beings, and
unquestionably by his actions; a friend to the African of his time, be they
freed or indentured. There are many Black folks here in Memphis who owe their
very existence to the kind General who answered a knock at his door from a plea
of African whose wife had just been sold to cover his masters debts, and the
General found himself in the saddle, buying back a slave that he would never
use, just to bring peace to a kindly soul.
A man that had his horse shot from under him many times in battle, with
never a fret because he knew that one of those forty plus Black men who went off
to war with him; had his back when he hit the ground. And as the shirt before
you reads in his own words : : These boys stayed with me... and better
Confederates did not live."
There are those like Commercial Appeal Reporter Wendi C. Thomas who write
calumny( false and malicious accusation ) about the General , with the intent of
exciting from the public a level of hate that is a danger to public safety. The
United States Congress exonerated General Nathan Bedford Forrest at their Klan
Tribunal, of any crimes associated with the Klan or Fort Pillow. And I never
heard her mention one time the terror heaped upon the citizens of Tennessee and
the South by the Union League, be they Red, Yellow, Brown, Black or White.
Or that it was the Klan during the time of Forrest that broke the back of
reconstruction in the South; 12 years of terror for all Southerners, with the
exception of the scalawags who climbed into bed with the Carpetbaggers, and
Northern appointed military Governors and their tribunals that stole and raped
and murdered all the way to the bank.
And never to forget in closing the North plan to divide Southern Whites and
Southern Blacks from each other, starting first with the teaching of the
Almighty God by Southern Ministers like the Honorable R.L.Dabney of Prince
Edward County Virginia who spelled out in his famous letter to the head of the
so called Freedman Bureau in September of 1865, all the things that the South
had done to try and do right by the African people held in bondage, and all the
things that the Yankees should do, and stop doing to a hapless people( vagrancy
laws and entrapment of the company store to name a few) now that they had all
the money and national resources fully in their command.
Even Dr. Martin Luther King could not be persuaded to attack the Southern
Cross or those who fought and served under it;" sons of former slaves, sons of
former slave owners, and far too many that were neither". I am the immediate
Past President of the Asheville Branch of the NAACP, and at no time do I recall
that David Duke or any leader of the KU Klux Klan, invited by that
organization, or for that matter the Commander In Chief of the Sons of
Confederate Veterans, or the President of the United Daughters of the
Confederacy invited to give the Keynote Speech at their National Convention.
However, here was the Pole Bearers of Memphis, Tennessee, a forefront of
organizations like the NAACP, inviting the General to do just that. The first
and only White man to be given that high Honor. If it makes any difference to a
woman that hates as Ms.White does, have her read that accounting that sums up
who General Forrest truly was.
A monument is defined as a lasting reminder in remembrance of a person or
event, and it is the duty of those who follow to see that this mandate
is protected. Political correctness and the lies and distortions of those who
hate it are no excuse to do other wise. As much as I deplore the likes of
Lincoln and his son having a monument of their likeness at the Tredegar Iron
Works in Virginia, or on the Capitol Mall in Washington, I cannot dig the war
criminal up, or that of President Grant who owned slaves as he entered the White
House as the lies ran forward to the world that his Commander In Chief Lincoln
had him fight a war to end the economic institution of slavery. Good help was
hard to find was his excuse.
We here in the South need to embrace our history and heroes of the past
while searching out truths not told by those who took a criminal road of Total
Warfare upon defenseless men, women, and children . Thank you for having me,
and I hope that you will take a path that can lead to a better community and
will earn the respect of many across this land who call themselves Southern, and
the many of the North who believe in a sense of fair play.
Statement to Committee Meeting - Memphis, TN
by HK Edgerton / President Southern Heritage 411