
Tennessee Confederate  Flaggers’ Report to Pop Aaron and Mike Shaffer

Today’s flagging activity began promptly at 12:00 p.m. on a mostly sunny, cool and very breezy day.  Our flags really got a workout---the gusty winds keeping them at attention. Today’s posts were staffed by Fred Edens, Bill Dennison, Jackie Dennison, and Valerie Parrish.  It was my pleasure to stand with them and hand out numerous CD’s and literature.  I remarked to Bill that if we had a $ for every honk and thumbs-up, we could all dine at Pizza Inn. 

As in past campaigns, the public was supportive of our efforts and very inquisitive.   We took the opportunity to explain our reasons to be there: 1)To bring to the public’s attention the issue of a continuously locked gate at a corner of the cemetery, 2) a Confederate soldier outside the fenced-in area and, 3) To present our information on the Confederate Battle Flag and present our Tennessee Confederate Flaggers’ flier.
We broke ranks at 3:00 p.m., having spent a productive afternoon.

Bill Hicks
Sergeant of the Line
Tennessee Confederate Flaggers

April 13, 2013


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